Sunday 15 July 2012


Hey guys, if anyone bothers to read. I just got back from probably the most exhausting weekend of my life!

Basically, I have spent the week at a sailing regatta. So that means about 6-7 hours sailing a day, while sleeping in a tent (not recommended) and being up at 6am every morning. Trust me, it's tiring. At least I got a week off school.

I really love sailing, so that was good. Plus, it was the first time I had been on the sea. Very salty. Lots of salty seaspray in your mouth. Not nice. I was helming, so that meant Phoebe was sitting in front of me, so she took most of the spray (mwahahahaha). I still did get relatively drenched.

On the first night, we all established that the dinners were crap. I don't think I have eaten food so bad my entire life. We all ate what we could at dinner and left the inedible stuff, and backed it up with pancakes, chinese or McDonald's after so that we got enough sustenance. Emma also took us to the cinema, and we saw Spiderman, second time for me, and Andrew Garfield was still hothothot. Mmmmm Andrew Garfield... I'm getting distracted. Anyway!

I don't like being tired. I worked this out while we were there, because it makes people get on my nerves a Hell of a lot quicker than ordinarily. I should probably apologize to people for being a bit short with them, but hey, life's too short.

One of the guys from somewhere else in Hertfordshire, called Felix, looked like Melman from Madagascar, so we called him Mel. It was better than Jemima's nickname for him: Feels. Also, Allen, the guy with a cool lip piercing, taught me how to juggle(ish). I can now not kill people whileattempting it! It was actually quite fun being there, people all crowded into one of the tents and we played poker, using cut-up plastic bag for chips which ended up literally everywhere, and Jemima and James should so go out!

In the end, Joe, one of the guys in our group, won two trophey's and came first overall in his fleet! Me and Phoebe came 19th out of 40 odd, which is mid-fleet and quite good considering I had never been on the sea before, Phoebe helmed one race, we only have a training sail and I got distracted singing Pirates of the Caribbean and lost track of the course one time. Next year it's in Cumbria and I can't wait, despite the crippling exhaustion I have been left with.

Also, me and Pheebs met Henry! Henry was from Plymouth and had never heard of Hertforshire. He was cute, and for some reason I went all posh talking to him. Basically, I had a great week with Greg, Phoebe, Rachel, Dom, Emma, Joe, Jemima, Elliott, Lee, James and Debbie. Yay for sailingness!

Monday 2 July 2012

This was the best weekend evaaaaaarrr

So, as you can guess from the title, I had a pretty awesome weekend. It all kicked off with planning our Sherlock Holmes themed weekend, which we did on Friday night (us explorers are amazing at planning ahead...). It resulted in the usual madness, where I got a football to the face (Thanks for that, Becky) and forgot Pip was there (Sorry, love you really Pip!).

The next day the fun commenced. Or something. We started with a waterfight, where I got soaked and managed to avoid being thrown into paddling pools by mad gingers this year! On a worse note, MaTt accidentally hit me round the face with his water pistol, in exactly the same spot the football hit the night before, so now I have a bit of a black eye coming on. Yaaayyy. I hadn't been planning on wearing shoes for this, but I did, and they got soaked, and the only spare pair I had were my high heels, which didn't go down too well because I had done my ankle in already. But then Josh arrived! We had lost our Sherlock (Pip) to illness, so it was good to finally have someone for Irene Adler (my beautiful self) to spend the night with... not in the way you are thinking, it was completely innocent, I promise you. He did spend a large proportion of the time from 3:45-4:00 am sitting on my feet, though.

We played Cluedo, and lifesize cluedo, and had a mystery guest called Richard (who didn't have curtain pulley hats) come too. This was to add to the whole 'Sherlock Holmes' idea of the night. Richard is going to be involved in chauffeuring and 'minding' foreign dignitaries during the Olympics, which is very awesome. For Cluedo, we all had characters to be (Liz- Madame Noir, Me-Irene Adler, Jess- Miss Scarlett, Jack- Professor Plum, MaTt- Reverend Green, Sammi- Dr Watson, Josh- Sherlock(which would have been Pip) Emma- Colonel Mustard, Becky- Mrs White, Phoebe- Mrs Peacock), and this involved wearing pretty dresses, suits, colours etc.. Sammi managed to turn Dr Watson into a 1920s gangster, and Liz was a Russion prostitute, or an Italian celebrity, same thing really.

The film was...filmish. I ate too many party rings, and spent the whole time lying on Liz (sorry about that, m'dear). Then bed, at 3:00 am, except it really wasn't. There was much bundling and talking and jumping and pillow stealing, which I had too watch because I was feeling ill from the party rings. Liz and Jess somehow managed to play pictionary in the pitch black, and we all found out that Josh snores like a warthog.

After an eventful and tiring Saturday, Jess and I then went to Leavesden Studios. I am a Potterhead and proud, and I don't think anything gets closer to heaven than being there. I took a photo of practically everything, and I have stood in the same spot many of the actors from the Harry Potter films did!!! I even have a photo of Ron's bed saved on my iPod...

Anyhoo, I got to try Butterbeer, which was very sweet, and I had one complaint- it was COLD. It's meant to be warm. But that hardly matters, because after drinkning the Butterbeer we moved on to see all the concept art which was truly beautiful, and there was one of the scale models of Hogwarts all set up... I really don't think I could have been happier, I was listening to TOM FELTON on an audio tour where Harry Potter was filmed with my best friend. I even bought Narcissa's wand, to look beautiful next to my Hermione one, and the one I made myself (shush, I know I'm sad).

Universe, I dare you to give me a better weekend by the end of the year. I bet you all my money that this will be it, apart from maybe Christmas. I'll keep my fingers crossed that things can get even better than this!