Thursday 8 November 2012

Idiots Of The Universe

There are many ways one could define an idiot. Technically it is someone who has a low IQ and has some form of mental issue, I think. In modern society it has come to mean someone who does/says ridiculous things, or a person that you have a particular reason to dislike. Well, in my year at school there are many people that fit all of the above description and more, but mostly the last, because they are, in fact, humongous Richard Craniums (you can work it out, people).

There are three people in my year, we shall call the Bella, Monica and Lucas, for the sake of anonymity (sort of...they are relatively similar to their real names...) that I cannot stand for another minute. And I am going to take it out on you, very few readers of my blog, and moan about them on here. You don't have to read it. I recommend you stop now.

So, I'll start with Bella. Today, she randomly decided to start having a go at me in Chemistry, and I don't have a clue why. And this isn't just a "She said a mean thing, Mummy!". She does it All. The. Time. Seriously, every other lesson she will say something to embarrass me or antagonize me or provoke me, and stupidly I normally have to retort, but I don't think that staying quiet would be a better idea either. Also, Bella is quite intelligent, yet pretends to be stupid, and that annoys me as well. Not the pretending, the stupidity. She acts so thick and she isn't, teachers have to repeat themselves like eighty times for her, which is just annoying for the rest of the class. And also, she is a total slag and a bit of a narcissist, and she isn't even that pretty. That's not really a problem, I just don't like slags. Anyway yeah, she is just so frustrating and I want to hit her so much...

Right, before I go insane and kill Bella, I'll move on! Monica is a girl in my year who does the same thing as Bella- constantly poking comments at me and provoking me. She isn't slaggy, nor does she pretend to be stupid, so we're all good on those fronts. She just doesn't stop, and it's even worse than Bella, and she has even reduced me to tears a couple of times. I normally pretend like I don't care, but I really do. She usually apologizes, but it doesn't go away that easily. It's really horrible, and all the time. Everyone else in my class is really nice about it and tells me not to listen and that she is just a disgusting person, and they all say everyone prefers me to her anyway, but I don't see them standing up to her. Although, she's like that too so many people. My friend, we shall call him Conrad, got an earful from her about being ginger, so I had a go at her, and at least she's leaving him alone now, but she also teases my other friend who we shall call Mindy, and is seriously horrible to her, and says the off thing to other people too. I can just about deal with her being mean to me, but it's when she starts going at my friends that I get really angry.

Lastly, Lucas(I think I called him that?). He is just am idiot...He told me to go die once, and that just did it for me. I can't stand him, he is a foul human being, who should go die himself, although I'm not harsh enough to actually say that to him.

Basically, if you have a problem with me, come tell me. If I care about you I'll sort it out, if not, then you can leave me alone. I don't care if people don't like me, that's their business and they probably have valid reasons, I just wish they'd be civil. RAWR. I reallllllllyyyyyyy hate people.


  1. Hey, that sucks, I'm sorry. I know how hard it is to tough things like that out. I'd try to offer some advice except I haven't yet learnt how to deal with my own monsters, so anything I could think of would probably be a path to failure. Crap like this is all about confidence, and that's something hard to achieve even if you're trying to get it, but as a temporary respite you could maybe not just try to tough it out and instead bite back - which I find, in my case at least, is hard because I'm too nice - but this way while it won't stop what they say and won't stop it hurting you, it'll give you that small satisfaction when you see how /they/ feel about it, like a taste of their own treatment. Like a little repayment for how they make you feel. Reading that over it sounds like a silly idea, but you could always try?<3

  2. This person seems like me in the way he or she has responded :o This is chris btw Emily, this person has given you pretty much the same advice i did except biting back has its consequences as i have told you :) I like your blogs it lets me know just that little bit extra about you, interesting :)
