Wednesday 1 August 2012


For as long as I can remember, I have wanted blue hair. At first, this was met with a complete NO from both parents. Earlier this year, my mum gave in and said I could do it in the summer next year, because I would have finished my GCSEs. But, after going round my friend Bex's with my mum last night (probably, I lose track of the days) she seems to have changed her mind!

Basically, Bex was dip-dying her hair purple. Sorry, Bex, plum. And, seeing as Bex's mum is my mum's best friend, this wore her down. As did constant nagging from me. So yeah, I'm going to get streaks! Well, maybe, Mum said she'd think about it. (please don't suggest I do it without my mum's permission, my life would really not be worth living)

Now, I have found out like two days ago that this girl Danielle has dip-dyed hers blue. I know this shouldn't worry me, but what if everyone thinks I'm copying her? Now that it's popular, I'm just copying. I am so not! I've literally wanted this since year 6 at least.

Also, now I have finally got permission(ish) I'm worrying. To quote The Joker- I'm like a dog chasing a car, I'm not really sure what I'd do once I caught one. It's been a dream for ages but maybe dreams are better being dreamt about? (dreamt is the only word in the English language to end in mt)

The last worry is- what if it looks terrible? I have a blue wig (don't ask) and everyone says it looks really good on me, and they say the colour suits me. But what if they are just being nice? What if it doesn't? What if it all goes horribly wrong and turns green and I have to spend ages waiting for it to grow out so I can cut the manky green streaks out of my hair? Okay, now I'm just stressing.

My real worry is school. My school has a zero tolerance policy of hairdye that is non-natural colours, although it doesn't stick to it very rigorously. Anyhoo, that's why I'm doing it over the summer holidays, hopefully it would have faded enough by September to not look too obvious, and maybe it will be long enough to cut some of it out. The one thing that really worries me, is that I don't want to be put in inclusion with all the naughty kids. I haven't ever had an afterschool detention, let alone end up in inclusion. Although, most teachers like me, and so many people get away with hair dye. I'll just do what another girl did- If you want me to dye it back, buy the colour for me.

Anyway, thanks for listening to my random worry-rant, I was just freaking out a little.

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