Wednesday 1 August 2012

Life and the Confusingness Within

This post was inspired by a sleepover I had the other day, with some of the Explorer girls- Emma, Jess and Liz. Now, none of us are particularly girly, so it was basically random pointless chatting until 4am, and none of your' normal' nail-painting and chick flick-watching. But, we do have some interesting conversations...

The first that got me all confused was about sexuality. No, I am not confused about my sexuality, I am definitely straight, but I get very confused about why people feel the need to hate people for being gay, because, they really aren't hurting you. I have a couple of lesbian friends, and, as long as they don't come onto me, I really couldn't care less.

We also had a debate about car fetishes, but thats a whole other thing...

Also, we got into this whole conversation about God. Jess has many Gods. Emma has just the one, traditionally and liberally, whereas Liz and I are atheist, except I have an idea about a conscious universe and afterlife. Which I find interesting. Because none of us are scared to say exactly what we make of each others beliefs and can incorporate them in our own, or disregard them, entirely honestly, without getting offended. I just find that everyone takes comments way too seriously these days. Lighten up, guys!

Anyway, last point- Up until, maybe six months ago, I was sure I would never want to get married. It seemed like far too big of a promise to make, and when I make promises, I wouldn't break them for the world. Especially if I pinky swear. But now I'm pretty sure I want to get married. I've always wanted kids, but now even more so, because I want to share it with someone. I'm suddenly realising that this sounds all cheesy, but yeah, I really do. Not right away, of course, but eventually, I want to find someone who I honestly love, and who is, as Emma might put it, more than just 'fine natural architecture'. I don't think Liz really cares, but I may be wrong. Jess does, but she's waiting for the right guy. I see her point. Why date someone if you know from the start that they are wrong for you?

Okay, I sense I'm about to go off on a completely new tangent, so I'll stop. But yeah, guys, you've got me thinking- I really do want to get married one day.

1 comment:

  1. Just so that I don't come across as a psycho, it hasn't messed me up that my parents have been together since the dawn of time. It's just given me a particular perspective on life. And I've had one boyfriend.

    But "yay!" that we turned you on to the idea of marriage!
