Friday 3 August 2012

Jed- for my little jessiqua

Jess and Ginny sat squashed up in a chintz armchair by the Gryffindor fire. All of the other chairs had been taken by obnoxious seventh years, thinking that they could do what they wanted. Ginny was flicking firecrackers into the fire, and they snapped loudly, creating mini explosions, much to the enjoyment of some second year boys.
"Ginny, you know Fred?" Said Jess.
"Yeah, I may have met him in passing..." Replied Ginny, sarcastically. Jess just prodded her.
"Well, he's kind of cute, don't you think?"
"I don't know. If you want to know if I'd be awkward if you went out, it's fine. I'm sure he'd love to, actually" Said Ginny, winking. Jess went bright red. Boys wasn't a topic she normally discussed with Ginny, and it was even more awkward that it was Ginny's older brother.

On the other side of the Fat Lady, Fred and George were standing around, looking clueless. "I told you to ask Ron for the password!" Said Fred.
"But he was at..." Began George.
"Quidditch practise" The twins said at the same time.
"Why the hurry to get in there, anyway? All that is on the other side of that portrait is potions homework, and trying to focus while Ginny throws our firecrackers." Said George.
"Alright, guys?" Said Seamus Finnigan, as he reached the Fat Lady.
"We don't know the password." Said Fred, folornly.
"It's Bowtruckle" Said Seaumus, and the Fat Lady smiled and swang open.

"Oh, thank goodness they haven't left yet..." Muttered Fred, staring at the chair where Ginny and Jess were sitting.
"Need to talk to Ginny before she goes to McGonagall's detention?" Asked Lee, catching up with the twins.
"Hardly! I think someone has a little crush on the Kraushaar girl!" Said George, a little too loudly. Jess looked up at her name, but it was obvious she hadn't heard the rest of the conversation.
"What, the girl who's best mates with a Slytherin?" Said Lee in disgust.
"Hey, Emily isn't too bad actually, and you're the one with a crush on Trelawney, so shut your face, you stupid git!" Said Fred, jokingly.
"Well, say something!" Said George, poking him forwards. George, Lee, Seamus and Neville all ducked behind Hermione where she was slaving over a hundred books to get a good listen in on the conversation.

"Hey, Jess?" Said Fred. "Um, so, wanna come down to the Three Broomsticks with me tomorrow? McGonagall is letting fourth years up have an extra day in Hogsmeade from all our hard work and that..."
"Sounds great!" The boys could see Jess smiling. "Ginny, and Hermione would probably like to come too."
"I was thinking...more of a date?"
"Ohhhh! Well, definitely yes!" Said Jess, happily. "See you then! Me and Ginny need to meet Emily and go to McGonagall's detention, she caught us trying to sneak up to Hagrid's at midnight last night"
"Okay, have fun!" Fred said, sarcastically.

"Woah, man! Congrats!" Said Lee.
"You were never that nervous when you asked Angelina to the ball" Said George.
"Yeah, but Angelina is cute and all, but I don't like her like that. Jess is something...special, she's beautiful and quirky and fun and rebellious, and, has great taste in Quidditch teams." Said Fred.
"Mr Fred Weasley, aren't you supposed to be in my detention this evening?" Said Professor McGonagall, standing by where the Fat Lady was.
"Oh, damn! I completely forgot!"
"Maybe you won't forget the next time you attempt to blow up a Hogwarts toilet!" She said, sternly, but Fred could see a slight smile on her face.

Fred was running down the stairs to the Transfiguration classroom, when he bumped into Jess walking the other way, and his lips brushed her forehead.
"Hello, beautiful" He whispered. Jess blushed, and smiled up to him, the red tips of her hair glinting in the candlelight. "See you in detention."


  1. me likey!! thanks! I was thinking of writing a second chapeter to Dremily, what do you think?

  2. Is this what all fandoms are like?

  3. No, they aren't, Mischief up there and I were just doing a little thing for each other, most stuff is more relevant to the story line. Although a lot of fanfics do have romance to some degree or other in them...
