Saturday 8 September 2012


I have just realised how much I love the Explorers. Most of them are like my best friends and the rest of us are rather close. If you know me at school, I actually am quite loud and even weirder at Explorers, and kind of hyper. It's the people there that do it to me.

Anyway, our Explorer group is made up of a pretty even split of boys and girls- Jess, Sammi, Me, Emma, Liz, Becky and Phoebe, and then Joshie, MaTt, Pip, Ross, Jack, Anderson, and occasionally Andrew (i'm sure I've left someone out and I apologize most profusely, I'm still half asleep). Anyway, they are all weird and mental and special, and we are all the odd people of society in our own individual ways that make up a strange mash up of a group. Or family. I think we are more of a family.

Actually, that's an interesting point. I mean, I have amazing friends at school that I love, but I don't know how many people have a group that they don't have to see everyday and are so close and you just know that no matter what you do, they're there for you with a hug, several inappropriate innuendos, a load of piss-taking and something to do to distract you from everything. Okay, a lot of people, but it's more than that. We're like an strange, incestuous family. With Liz. Ahahah I'm just kidding, I love you Lizzi.

These are the people I want to stay friends with forever. There are maybe 5 or 6 guys from school I can see myself still knowing in 20 years, but these people are like...for life. (this is me having sudden realisations and getting all soppy over them all). I wonder who will be my HIMYM or Friends group when I'm older.

One last point on this- trust the right people. If you aren't then you are so screwed. Because, honestly, once you've found a bunch of people you can trust with anything, then you really don't need anything else in your life. Enjoy! :)

Wednesday 5 September 2012


So, life. I don't really know what to say about it, I was just bored so I entitled this post that. I don't really know what I'm doing with mine.

Today I went to the doctors. And then cried because I'm cool like that. Basically I have this really pale white ring around a mole on my back and I've been freaking out about it. Apparently it's just halo something or other, and it's benign so I've stopped panicking (a bit). I really need to stop worrying. Anyway, now I've decided I'm not about to die, I need a plan. I want to go to uni, which means I need good a-levels. I'm doing okay at GCSE, but my sixth form isn't so good, so I need to change sixth form. Preferably to Dame Alice Owens. But I need really good grades for that. Maybe I'll have some good luck (i have the luck of a dead hamster put in a dynamite stick).

I want to be an author. I always have done, it's like the dream. If anyone bothers to read this, don't ever, EVER give up on your dream. I promise it will be a million times better than you ever imagined. But the problem with mine is I don't need to do anything to get it other than write an amazing book. I don't need grades or degrees or experience, so it's hard to...aspire to anything else. Which is not necessarily good, because I need a backup plan, which at the moment is a journalist but it keeps changing.

So, life...I've decided I want to get married someday (only because I was at a wedding the other day that had an awesome band...random reason, but yeah) and that means I need to make human contact. Ew. I don't like that idea. I mean, my friends are great but I wouldn't date any of them and that means I need to find someone else...and I'm crap when I first meet new people. I come off all posh and up myself which I hope I am neither of those things and so people need to know me to like me. I'd be like that on here if I didn't imagine I was just writing it for Emma or Liz or Jess. So I have concluded this department is hopeless.

What else is there in life? MUSIC. How did I forget? My life revolves around music. And Harry Potter. I got a replica time turner the other day from my parents for doing well in exams, and I NEED to see Muse live. Like, it's going to kill me if I don't. I love them so much and I can't even explain what these two things mean to me...they're more than just songs and stories, it's my lifeline, the things that stop me going mental(or more so) and stop me doing anything daft and stop me killing half my school. I just wish they were tangible...they are so unreal, yet so not. Haha I'm making no sense now. I sense that that means I need to stop rambling. I will be back soon! I bid you Adieu!

Saturday 1 September 2012

Episode Four- Fainting/Fun Sea Times

I'm going to carry on with holiday stuff. This will probably be the last entry, but I might remember something else about it.

So, on the second day, I almost fainted! It's not quite as tragic as it sounds. It was very hot and my body wasn't quite used to it, and also I hadn't really drank much. I basically lilve off tea, but it was the grimmest tea in the world so I had had like one glass of water all day and was seriously dehydrated. At about 5, my Dad announced he was going up to the room so I went with him. I didn't really notice that I was being a bit lightheaded (and Emma, that's not because there isn't anything in my head. Before you say anything.)but then we got into this lift that went from the beach to the hotel carpark. It didn't help that this lift was about 45 degrees celsius, plus I hate lifts and had a mini panick attack. By the time the lift stopped, it felt like someone had hit me round the head with a wooden mallet. I stumbled acros the car park, and then I went blind. Like, everything was fuzzy and spotty and spinny. So, as you do, I started trying to get clothes off me so i could jump in the pool. I was still half dresses when I plunged myself into the pool, and there was that scary moment when I couldn't swim and thought I was going to drown before everything cleared up again. Anyhoo, I swam a length or two and had like 5 cups of soda water and it was good. But trust me, it was scary as Hell while it lasted.

This leads me nicely onto the fun drowning! On the last three days or so, the wind picked up and there were WAVES. Like serious waves. Up until then the sea had been as still as a lake. We all went down to this beach a couple of bays along where it was all sandy, and it was AWESOME. It was like being in Norfolk on a stormy day except the sea was warm and the sky didn't have a cloud in it. The waves were easily six feet and they pushed you over, and dragged you under so easily. My brother had been on the rubber ring getting shoved around while I was just swmming, and then I got a go on the ring. A wave hit me in seconds and I got pushed through the hole in the ring (I didn't realise i was that small) But I got stuck under the ring that now had my brother on it and I couldn't breathe and I had swallowed so much water, but it was still fun because bubbles were everywhere and you could feel the waves. It was so odd! But yeah, fun times :)