Saturday 8 September 2012


I have just realised how much I love the Explorers. Most of them are like my best friends and the rest of us are rather close. If you know me at school, I actually am quite loud and even weirder at Explorers, and kind of hyper. It's the people there that do it to me.

Anyway, our Explorer group is made up of a pretty even split of boys and girls- Jess, Sammi, Me, Emma, Liz, Becky and Phoebe, and then Joshie, MaTt, Pip, Ross, Jack, Anderson, and occasionally Andrew (i'm sure I've left someone out and I apologize most profusely, I'm still half asleep). Anyway, they are all weird and mental and special, and we are all the odd people of society in our own individual ways that make up a strange mash up of a group. Or family. I think we are more of a family.

Actually, that's an interesting point. I mean, I have amazing friends at school that I love, but I don't know how many people have a group that they don't have to see everyday and are so close and you just know that no matter what you do, they're there for you with a hug, several inappropriate innuendos, a load of piss-taking and something to do to distract you from everything. Okay, a lot of people, but it's more than that. We're like an strange, incestuous family. With Liz. Ahahah I'm just kidding, I love you Lizzi.

These are the people I want to stay friends with forever. There are maybe 5 or 6 guys from school I can see myself still knowing in 20 years, but these people are like...for life. (this is me having sudden realisations and getting all soppy over them all). I wonder who will be my HIMYM or Friends group when I'm older.

One last point on this- trust the right people. If you aren't then you are so screwed. Because, honestly, once you've found a bunch of people you can trust with anything, then you really don't need anything else in your life. Enjoy! :)

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