Friday 31 August 2012

Episode Three- Crazy shouty man

I'm sorry that these aren't exactly chronological.

On the day that we went to leave, my dad ended up queuing for ages to check out. I mean like ten minutes, when there was only one man in front of him. It was a guy who had arrived earlier that day, and he wasn't English, and neither was the receptionist, but they were talking in it.

Crazy Man: Your lift doesn't work. It will not fo down any further thn this level, the button doesn't work.
Receptionist: I know, that lift only goes up. If you want to go to the lower level you need to use one of the lifts over there.
Crazy Man: Well I called for help and no one came.
Receptionist: Theres a phone (Holding up a phone to demonstrate.)
Crazy Man: I know what a phone is and it isn't there!
Receptionist: I think you'll find it is.
Crazy Man: But I don't have a sea view. I have a view of rocks.
Receptionist: Okay, well your card didn't specify a sea view.
Crazy Man: I told my office to book a sea view and I paid for a sea view!
Receptionist: Then phone your office and I will confirm that that is what you asked for.
Crazy Man: Office? There is no office, I booked it myself online!
Receptionist: Well, you said...
Crazy Man: And my toilet leaks.
Recpetionist: Oh dear...
Crazy Man: Is it normal that the television doesn't work?
Receptionist: What do you think?
Crazy Man: I pay 2000 Euros for this? It's crazy, I want a different room.
Receptionist: There are no other rooms currently available. It's only 10 am and Check-In is 2pm. If you want to wait, we can move you.
Crazy Man: I don't want to wait, move me immediately.
Recepionist: I can't, we're full.
Crazy Man: WHY? (Yes, how dare you fill all the rooms in your hotel, I thought)
Receptionist: Well that is the aim of our business here.
Crazy Man; Give me my money back, I will go somewhere else.
Recpetionist: I can't, I'm just the receptionist.
Crazy Man: Then get me the Manager!
At this point, flamenco man came running up the stairs and we had to leave, but it was hilarious watching this moustached old man screaming and escalating. I mean, if you wanted your money back, wouldn't that be the first thing you would say, no 'your lift only goes up'? Sorry, things like this amuse me...

Episode Two- Tortoise man and his comrades

When my family go away, we give people we see around a lot little nicknames. This time there seemed to be a lot of those. The first one we met was SB girl. She had a, um, toiletting accident that my mother discoved, and my dad unceremoniously called her Sh*tty Bum girl, which we shortened to avoid offense. Her mum was a lovely Geordie lady though, but we never did find out their real name.

The second was Chess Man and Chess Boy. Me, Dad and Greg had a little chess tournament the first night on one of the cute little chess tables in the games room. On the other two tables was a man teaching his son how to play. From then on he always asked us about certain rules like castling ad when pawns reach the end. I felt quite sorry for the boy, to be honest, he was the only kid in the family and no one made any effort to talk to him.

Flamenco man was the restaurant manager. He looked hispanic, slim and muscular, and he stood in that pose flamenco dancers stand in when they are about to start some routine with marracas. It was him and Chronis, a fat guy, who were running it, and they were both very nice, and the fat guy cut up some extra lemon for me because I have to have lemon juice on everything.

The main one was Tortoise Man. We saw him on the second or third day in the restaurant walking rather camply, and my brother said he walked like a tortoise, hence the name. We naturally assumed he was gay, until a couple of days later we saw him with a hot blonde wife and two daughters. My dad kept on updating us on Tortoise Man in a daft French accent, which was hilarious. One night, he wasn't there with his family, and so my Dad made up some ridiculous story 'Ah, Monsieur Tortoise 'as been chucked in ze sea in many pieces, because 'is family 'ave murrrrdered 'im' et cetera. Later on, there was a forest fire out in the mountains twenty miles away or so, really blazing orange with smoke billowing up. (I promise yout his is going somewhere)

Of course, Tortoise Man was very much alive and well, so my Dad had to come up with a new theory. 'I beleive Monsieur Tortoise Homme is an arsonist! Zat was no forest fire. Last night, 'e was not wiz 'is family, because he was igniting the side of ze mountain!'. Tbhe next day he was wearing a hat and glasses, 'Aha! It was deeeffffinitely him, because 'e is nervous I will give 'im away, so 'e 'as une disguise, 'ow cunning.' And so on. For a whole ten days. Seriously.

While I'm on the topic, my dad was also trying to convince greg that there were sharks in the bay, and he didn't give that up either. His 'prrof' was that the bous had the web address '' or something similar printed on them, and that the dogs kept barking at something. You see, my father is like having another little brother around. Madness.

Episode One- French in dangerous situations GCSE

One of the many things that happened while I was on holiday was I recieved my GCSE results. I phoned my nan from a quaint little caf by the sea, and dispatched her to get my letter from home that my friend Bex handed into school for me, and read them over the phone for £1 per minute (or something else not quite as ridiculous). Anyhoo, I did okay, but i got an A* in my French! This is relevant later on...

The next day at the beach, some French kids were on a very slippy jetty fishing. One of them slipped and cracked his head open and bit his tongue and there was blood everywhere and they were shouting and their mum came running... it was all very hectic.

As Mrs French Lady ran past, I grabbed a packet of tissues to hold on the boys head to stop the bleeding. I should probably say I am well trained in these situations. My idiot of a brother has managed to crack his head open the grand total of seven times. So, I ran up to her with the tissues and said the famous words- 'Madam, excusez-moi, excusez-moi! Les kleenex pour ton filles' in very badly conjugated French.

At dinner, we were telling my brother about this, because he hadn't been there at the time. My dad then said, 'Ah yes, I am now proud to say that my daughter has gained an extra GCSE- French in dangerous situations'. It may seem random, but it was funny at the time.

Welcome Back!

Hey, so I haven't posted in a while because I've been on holiday in Crete! I'm going to do a series of 'Episodes' about stuff that happened that's worthwhile telling people about. So, sorry for not posting to anyone who reads this, and I guess anyone that does has cleared off because I haven't been posting. But I shall power on through!

Oh, if anyone read my last post, I have now almost finished my book, and it's going awesomely well. Next step is typing it up and editting, then re-editting, then peer review, and more editting...oh, it'll be a bucket of laughs. Not. In case you didn't get the sarcasm there.

Wednesday 15 August 2012


So, I am currently writing a book, and I have noticed that it's the little details that I'm stressing over. For example, I wanted really unusual names for my characters so I spent ages trying to come up with odd names. Also, small things that I have mentions and then think 'ah damn I need to come back to that'

Now, I am running all the books I have ever read through in my head and trying to work out if I actually pay attention to the names. Or, if it actually matters what they are called. Would it really matter to me if Katniss in the Hunger Games was actually called Ann? Or Hermione was called Jane? Or Sephi from Noughts and Crosses was called Kate? I guess not, although Katniss does actually have a purpose to her name, but it makes it more memorable.

Also, the little things. In Harry Potter, I really appreciate all the tiny details and thought that went into it, but that's only because I've read it a million times. I enjoyed it just as much the first time, but I didn't realise all the links or details until maybe the fourth time. So, if I don't do lots of little details, hopefully it wont be such a big thing. Although I do plan to go back and put in a theme of sandtimers.

Well, anyway, there's my little random comment. If you have opinions let me know. Plus, for my main character, I want one of the following: Laurel, Mychael, Electra, Rain or Bryelle. Comment favourites?

Friday 3 August 2012

Jed- for my little jessiqua

Jess and Ginny sat squashed up in a chintz armchair by the Gryffindor fire. All of the other chairs had been taken by obnoxious seventh years, thinking that they could do what they wanted. Ginny was flicking firecrackers into the fire, and they snapped loudly, creating mini explosions, much to the enjoyment of some second year boys.
"Ginny, you know Fred?" Said Jess.
"Yeah, I may have met him in passing..." Replied Ginny, sarcastically. Jess just prodded her.
"Well, he's kind of cute, don't you think?"
"I don't know. If you want to know if I'd be awkward if you went out, it's fine. I'm sure he'd love to, actually" Said Ginny, winking. Jess went bright red. Boys wasn't a topic she normally discussed with Ginny, and it was even more awkward that it was Ginny's older brother.

On the other side of the Fat Lady, Fred and George were standing around, looking clueless. "I told you to ask Ron for the password!" Said Fred.
"But he was at..." Began George.
"Quidditch practise" The twins said at the same time.
"Why the hurry to get in there, anyway? All that is on the other side of that portrait is potions homework, and trying to focus while Ginny throws our firecrackers." Said George.
"Alright, guys?" Said Seamus Finnigan, as he reached the Fat Lady.
"We don't know the password." Said Fred, folornly.
"It's Bowtruckle" Said Seaumus, and the Fat Lady smiled and swang open.

"Oh, thank goodness they haven't left yet..." Muttered Fred, staring at the chair where Ginny and Jess were sitting.
"Need to talk to Ginny before she goes to McGonagall's detention?" Asked Lee, catching up with the twins.
"Hardly! I think someone has a little crush on the Kraushaar girl!" Said George, a little too loudly. Jess looked up at her name, but it was obvious she hadn't heard the rest of the conversation.
"What, the girl who's best mates with a Slytherin?" Said Lee in disgust.
"Hey, Emily isn't too bad actually, and you're the one with a crush on Trelawney, so shut your face, you stupid git!" Said Fred, jokingly.
"Well, say something!" Said George, poking him forwards. George, Lee, Seamus and Neville all ducked behind Hermione where she was slaving over a hundred books to get a good listen in on the conversation.

"Hey, Jess?" Said Fred. "Um, so, wanna come down to the Three Broomsticks with me tomorrow? McGonagall is letting fourth years up have an extra day in Hogsmeade from all our hard work and that..."
"Sounds great!" The boys could see Jess smiling. "Ginny, and Hermione would probably like to come too."
"I was thinking...more of a date?"
"Ohhhh! Well, definitely yes!" Said Jess, happily. "See you then! Me and Ginny need to meet Emily and go to McGonagall's detention, she caught us trying to sneak up to Hagrid's at midnight last night"
"Okay, have fun!" Fred said, sarcastically.

"Woah, man! Congrats!" Said Lee.
"You were never that nervous when you asked Angelina to the ball" Said George.
"Yeah, but Angelina is cute and all, but I don't like her like that. Jess is something...special, she's beautiful and quirky and fun and rebellious, and, has great taste in Quidditch teams." Said Fred.
"Mr Fred Weasley, aren't you supposed to be in my detention this evening?" Said Professor McGonagall, standing by where the Fat Lady was.
"Oh, damn! I completely forgot!"
"Maybe you won't forget the next time you attempt to blow up a Hogwarts toilet!" She said, sternly, but Fred could see a slight smile on her face.

Fred was running down the stairs to the Transfiguration classroom, when he bumped into Jess walking the other way, and his lips brushed her forehead.
"Hello, beautiful" He whispered. Jess blushed, and smiled up to him, the red tips of her hair glinting in the candlelight. "See you in detention."

Thursday 2 August 2012


London 2012 has all gone a bit over my head, really. We had ridiculous amounts of assemblies about it at school, and, when we broke up for summer, I was hugely relieved to escape it, but then I found that that was when it was starting, inducing groans of dismay from myself. At my sailing base, there is a huge plasma tv, so during lunch breaks we would sit and flick between sailing and canoeing/kayaking, which was about as into it as I got. Yesterday, Charlee came over while my family were watching it and screaming at the tv and the pair of us were a leeeetle creeped out.

BUT! It all changed today. Last night, at like midnight, my dad ran up the stairs and asked everyone if we wanted to see the White Water rafting. I was a bit like 'Meh, if i have to', so we went, wearing our Team GB tops, not even sure if we had anyone competing. Well, we did.

I saw GB win a Gold and Silver! It was quite cool, I got really into it, and then it reached the finals, and we still had two doubles left in out of only six pairs left, and everyone was so excited. (unfortunately, our womens single kayak got knocked out in the semi-finals) After three finalists had done their time trial, we knew we had bronze at least, and everyone went mad. People were even cheering when other nationalities messed up!

Anyway, I cried, because everyone cheered when slovakia did really badly and I felt so guilty. I spent most of the women's one writing in my notebook, but i still saw most of it, and everyone was so happy. It was a really great atmosphere. I almost hugged one of the army guys, because he had a help for heroes wristband on and I wanted to say well done and show appreciation, blahblahblah, but my mum told me it would be weird.

All in all, I've finally got the Olympic spirit and I am most deifinitely proud to be British!

Wednesday 1 August 2012


For as long as I can remember, I have wanted blue hair. At first, this was met with a complete NO from both parents. Earlier this year, my mum gave in and said I could do it in the summer next year, because I would have finished my GCSEs. But, after going round my friend Bex's with my mum last night (probably, I lose track of the days) she seems to have changed her mind!

Basically, Bex was dip-dying her hair purple. Sorry, Bex, plum. And, seeing as Bex's mum is my mum's best friend, this wore her down. As did constant nagging from me. So yeah, I'm going to get streaks! Well, maybe, Mum said she'd think about it. (please don't suggest I do it without my mum's permission, my life would really not be worth living)

Now, I have found out like two days ago that this girl Danielle has dip-dyed hers blue. I know this shouldn't worry me, but what if everyone thinks I'm copying her? Now that it's popular, I'm just copying. I am so not! I've literally wanted this since year 6 at least.

Also, now I have finally got permission(ish) I'm worrying. To quote The Joker- I'm like a dog chasing a car, I'm not really sure what I'd do once I caught one. It's been a dream for ages but maybe dreams are better being dreamt about? (dreamt is the only word in the English language to end in mt)

The last worry is- what if it looks terrible? I have a blue wig (don't ask) and everyone says it looks really good on me, and they say the colour suits me. But what if they are just being nice? What if it doesn't? What if it all goes horribly wrong and turns green and I have to spend ages waiting for it to grow out so I can cut the manky green streaks out of my hair? Okay, now I'm just stressing.

My real worry is school. My school has a zero tolerance policy of hairdye that is non-natural colours, although it doesn't stick to it very rigorously. Anyhoo, that's why I'm doing it over the summer holidays, hopefully it would have faded enough by September to not look too obvious, and maybe it will be long enough to cut some of it out. The one thing that really worries me, is that I don't want to be put in inclusion with all the naughty kids. I haven't ever had an afterschool detention, let alone end up in inclusion. Although, most teachers like me, and so many people get away with hair dye. I'll just do what another girl did- If you want me to dye it back, buy the colour for me.

Anyway, thanks for listening to my random worry-rant, I was just freaking out a little.

Life and the Confusingness Within

This post was inspired by a sleepover I had the other day, with some of the Explorer girls- Emma, Jess and Liz. Now, none of us are particularly girly, so it was basically random pointless chatting until 4am, and none of your' normal' nail-painting and chick flick-watching. But, we do have some interesting conversations...

The first that got me all confused was about sexuality. No, I am not confused about my sexuality, I am definitely straight, but I get very confused about why people feel the need to hate people for being gay, because, they really aren't hurting you. I have a couple of lesbian friends, and, as long as they don't come onto me, I really couldn't care less.

We also had a debate about car fetishes, but thats a whole other thing...

Also, we got into this whole conversation about God. Jess has many Gods. Emma has just the one, traditionally and liberally, whereas Liz and I are atheist, except I have an idea about a conscious universe and afterlife. Which I find interesting. Because none of us are scared to say exactly what we make of each others beliefs and can incorporate them in our own, or disregard them, entirely honestly, without getting offended. I just find that everyone takes comments way too seriously these days. Lighten up, guys!

Anyway, last point- Up until, maybe six months ago, I was sure I would never want to get married. It seemed like far too big of a promise to make, and when I make promises, I wouldn't break them for the world. Especially if I pinky swear. But now I'm pretty sure I want to get married. I've always wanted kids, but now even more so, because I want to share it with someone. I'm suddenly realising that this sounds all cheesy, but yeah, I really do. Not right away, of course, but eventually, I want to find someone who I honestly love, and who is, as Emma might put it, more than just 'fine natural architecture'. I don't think Liz really cares, but I may be wrong. Jess does, but she's waiting for the right guy. I see her point. Why date someone if you know from the start that they are wrong for you?

Okay, I sense I'm about to go off on a completely new tangent, so I'll stop. But yeah, guys, you've got me thinking- I really do want to get married one day.